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July 2012
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Interactive Marketing: A new, highly effective approach

             For those of us that have been in the industry for a while, we know that Automotive Direct Mail is a cost-effective way to advance business and generate revenue.  If you are looking for one of the most balanced strategies, automotive direct mail can walk the line between effectiveness and cost.  It is significantly less expensive than methods such as direct-response television ads and telephone solicitation, while it generates more responses than magazine, newspaper, and radio ads.  We have seen a huge shift in the way that we promote business.  There is also now a whole new realm of online and email marketing that we can use in connection with Automotive Direct mail campaigns

             Multichannel customers, those who shop online as well as in person, can be some of your most profitable customers. The Wall Street Journal reported on a study done by the US Postal Service, and wrote, “…consumers who received catalogs from a retailer spent 28% more on that retailer’s Web site than those who didn’t get a catalog. ‘The more often you mail,’ the study said, ‘the more sales you could see.’ “This study just shows what we’ve known for years. It is important to identify your multichannel customers and design a direct marketing program to maximize your sales and profits from these customers.  You can increase your sales, sometimes exponentially, by combining your automotive direct mail with a managed email marketing program that reaches your computer-savvy audience that they can also share with their online friends.     

             Saturation mailing can be one of the most cost effective automotive direct mail marketing there is, targeting every potential customer within a given geography.  Typically, saturation mailers have only a few filters and produce a very healthy ROI when planned and delivered correctly, but there are key factors that you must manage to make sure your saturation mailing is successful. We’ve seen dramatic increases in profits when clients combine postal mail with email.  E-mail marketing solutions are a very affordable way to enhance your automotive direct mail marketing program.  It has been said that more than 90% of online consumers check their email at least once per day—and an astounding 77% say email is their preferred channel for receiving permission-based promotional messages. It is important to take advantage of this within our automotive direct mail campaigns.  It is important to not replace one with another but to open a new aspect of potential and prime customers in your market.

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