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April 2012
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Bi-fold & Tri-Fold: Is there a difference?

     One of the most effective ways to promote your business is through folded automotive direct mail. They provide more space than postcards while remaining portable. Self mailers expound on your business’ products and services while providing space for highlights and headlines, and for visual elements such as images and symbols.
     An important advantage of custom printed self mailers over other marketing media is the folding options available, improving portability and the capability to better organize your mailers text. We have 2 popular options for your automotive direct mail needs. The custom tri-fold self mailer configuration is chosen by many businesses because it offers six panels when complete, which is enough real estate to lay out your text and images without the end result looking crowded or busy. With custom tri-fold mailers, you can emphasize certain areas of your mailer and also use to your full advantage the sequence in which your readers will open your custom printed mailer. With this folding design, you can arrange your panel headlines from most important to least in the same sequence your reader will be opening your automotive direct mail. It is important for your automotive direct mail to create a professional custom mail piece. The tri-folding of the mailer is done in a way that is set up to be very cost effective. The tri-fold design fits within the “letter class” of mailing which is one of the cheapest classes of mail possible. This type of automotive direct mail is typically trucked to the SCF (sectional center facility). We sort the mail down to carrier route walk sequence, allowing for quick delivery and extra postage discounts.
     Another option for your direct mail campaign is the Bi-fold mailer. Also called a half fold or 4- pager, these mailers are good option when you want your automotive direct mail to stand out a bit from the other mail in your customer’s hand. They are folded to 8.5 x 11 which is considered a regulation “flat size” mailer. They are an effective and convenient style of print that is sure to please. We have found great success in shipping these mailers directly to the DDU’s (Destination delivery unit). With this option, the mail is going directly to you local post offices. No waiting for processing before mail delivery. Because of the additional processing and flat postage cost, this option is a bit more expensive, but perfect for someone who is looking to see delivery faster and more direct.

     Whichever option you choose, there are distinct advantages to choosing either option. Let Print Auto Mail create an impacting campaign for all your automotive direct mail needs.

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