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February 2011
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Defusing Problems before they Explode

While reading an article interviewing the new chairman of NADA, I came across an interesting statement. Stephen Wade said that one of the biggest complaints that dealers were having is that the NADA was doing too much. It sounded like the proverbial too many cooks in the kitchen problem. In a time where dealerships were being pitted against each other, Wade said one of the things that suffered the most was dealer relations and that one of his biggest goals of this year was to increase factory relations and to see dealers become more profitable. Not a bad goal, right? As Automotive Direct Mail suppliers it is a goal that we share and would definitely like to see.
Our working relationships are so important when it comes to how we do business and what we can accomplish. It made me realize we are all on a thin line between being productive and being inefficacious. Respect is at the heart of building business relationships. It is the glue that holds together the functioning of teams, partnerships and managing relationships. We understand this dynamic and have worked to foster mutually respectful relationships with all of our Automotive Direct Mail clients. Identifying and understanding differences allows people to shift their position to one of compromise and negotiation. If you know what you are looking for it is easier to defuse problems before they start. Below is a list of some of the main differences we see in the business world today.

1. Communication Styles- Not everyone communicates in the same way. It can be difficult at first, but once you have taken the time to figure out how each other communicates there will be fewer arguments and more done.

2. Non-Verbal Communication- Non-verbal communication can include body language, facial expressions, and tone. With this additional understanding of what is really being communicated more effective collaboration is possible.

3. Learning Styles- People learn in different ways. When we understand and utilize a person’s unique learning style it can make communication and understanding easier for all involved.

4. Differing Values- While if communicated and understood, these can usually be resolved. However, there are times when conflicting values can be so different that they cannot coexist on the same team.

5. Company Culture- Different companies have different cultures. It is important to realize this and give new employees time to learn and integrate into their new systems.

6. Individual vs. Team- Taking the time to identify and then address both individual and team dynamics are an important balancing act.

We have implemented these into our Automotive Direct Mail teams and have seen success when we identify the issue and take a minute to see it from the other side. I hope these help you in all your business needs and if we can do anything to help in your Automotive Advertising please feel free to email or call us at 951-461-1400.

We look forward to building a Team Relationship with YOU!

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